• Lesson.No : 06
  • 00:44:34
  • Lecture 5: Second Law and Entropy Maximization

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- Lecture 1: Introduction to Thermodynamics
  2. 2- Supplemental Video: Sodium Acetate Demo
  3. 3- Lecture 2: Scope and Use of Thermodynamics
  4. 4- Lecture 3: Process Variables and the First Law
  5. 5- Lecture 4: Heat Engines and Energy Conversion Efficiency
  6. 6- Lecture 5: Second Law and Entropy Maximization
  7. 7- Lecture 6: Thermodynamic Potentials
  8. 8- Lecture 7: Ideal Gas Processes
  9. 9- Lecture 8: Mathematical Implications of Equilibrium and Spontaneous Processes
  10. 10- Lecture 9: Case Studies - Specific Heats and Phase Transformations
  11. 11- Lecture 10: Introduction to Unary Phase Transformations
  12. 12- Lecture 11: Phase Coexistence in Unary Systems
  13. 13- Supplemental Video: The Three Dees of Thermodynamics
  14. 14- Lecture 12: Case Studies - Saturation Vapor Pressure
  15. 15- Lecture 13: Introduction to Ideal (Gas) Mixtures
  16. 16- Lecture 14: Reacting Gas Mixtures at Equilibrium
  17. 17- Lecture 15: Introduction to Solutions, General Case
  18. 18- Supplemental Video: The Lever Rule
  19. 19- Lecture 16: Partial Molar Properties
  20. 20- Lecture 17: Solution Models - Ideal, Dilute, and Regular
  21. 21- Lecture 18: Case Study in Reacting Gas Mixtures - Introducing the Nernst Equation
  22. 22- Lecture 19: Regular Solution Models and Stability
  23. 23- Lecture 20: Introduction to Binary Phase Diagrams
  24. 24- Lecture 21: Phase Coexistence and Separation
  25. 25- Lecture 22: Free Energy-Composition Diagrams, General Case
  26. 26- Lecture 23: Building Binary Phase Diagrams, Part I
  27. 27- Supplemental Video: Gallium-Indium Eutectic Demo
  28. 28- Lecture 24: Building Binary Phase Diagrams, Part II
  29. 29- Lecture 25: Building Binary Phase Diagrams, Part III
  30. 30- Lecture 26: CALPHAD - Case Studies and Guest Lecture
  31. 31- Lecture 27: Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics
  32. 32- Lecture 28: Boltzmann Hypothesis
  33. 33- Lecture 29: Boltzmann Distribution
  34. 34- Lecture 30: Intermediate Phases and Reactions
  35. 35- Lecture 31: Reacting Multi-phase Systems
  36. 36- Lecture 32: Case Study - Reacting, Multi-component, Multi-phase Systems
  37. 37- Supplemental Video: Ternary Phase Diagram and Ouzo Demo
  38. 38- Supplemental Video: Ouzo Demo