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Mohamed Montasser
Video of Navigating Windows Settings, Lesson 2.5 ECDL/ICDL Module 1, Computer essentials in ICDL course by Abit Academy channel, video No. 5 free certified online
Module 1: Computers and Devices, In this lesson I show you how to navigate Windows settings, we look at the examples of setting the time and date, sound settings and displays options including changing the background and the resolution.
This lesson is part of a full course covering all of the exam objectives for the ECDL/ICDL Module 1: Computers and Devices, the full course playlist can be found here:
ECDL/ICDL is the world's leading computer skills certificate. The ECDL/ICDL programme defines the skills and competencies necessary to use a computer and common computer applications.
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