• Lesson.No : 05
  • 00:10:27
  • 06-AND,OR Gate & Latch Programming Q-Series, FX Series Mitsubishi PLC in English Lecture#06

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- 02-Introduction of GX works2, FX series,Q series Mitsubishi PLC In English Lecture#02
  2. 2- 04-Input/Output addressing of Q-Series Mitsubishi PLC in English Lecture#04
  3. 3- 03-How to Connect Q-Series and Fx Series Mitsubishi PLC with PC in English Lecture#03
  4. 4- 05-Hardware Wiring of Mitsubishi PLC in English Lecture#05
  5. 5- 06-AND,OR Gate & Latch Programming Q-Series, FX Series Mitsubishi PLC in English Lecture#06
  6. 6- 07-NAND,NOR,NOT gates programming Q-series,F X-Series in Mitsubishi PLC in English Lecture#07
  7. 7- 08-why and How to use Auxiliary Relay/Memory bit in Mitsubishi PLC In English Lecture#08
  8. 8- 09-Types of Auxiliary Relay/Memory bits 'M"(General,latched,Special) In Mitsubishi PLC In English
  9. 9- 10-How to use ON Delay, OFF Delay timers & Time calculation formula in Mitsubishi PLC In English
  10. 10- 11-Difference between Retentive/Latched Timers and General Timer in Mitsubishi PLC in English Lec#11
  11. 11- 12-Why and how to Use Data Register "D" & Its Type in Mitsubishi PLC in English Lecture#12
  12. 12- 13-Why and how to use timers with DATA Register "D" in Mitsubishi PLC in English Lecture#13
  13. 13- 14-Mathematics Function on 16 & 32 bits data Addition,Subtraction,Division,Multiplication in English
  14. 14- 15-Floating number Mitsubishi PLC programming(Add,sub,Divide,Mul,Angle(Cosine,Sine,Tan)) in English
  15. 15- 16-Comparison command using two methods(Greater than,Less than, Equal) in Mitsubishi plc in English
  16. 16- 17-How to use Counters ,Counter up and counter down in Mitsubishi plc in English Lecture#17
  17. 17- 18-Difference between 16 bits vs 32 bits counters in Mitsubishi PLC in English Ladder Diagram
  18. 18- 19-Difference between general Counter and Latch Counter in English Mitsubishi PLC Ladder Diagram
  19. 19- 20-What is encoder and difference between incremental encoder and absolute encoder in English
  20. 20- 21-Mitsubishi PLC Analog to Digital Module FX2N-4AD programming in English 4mA to 20mA 0V to 10V
  21. 21- 22-Mitsubishi PLC Analog to Digital Module FX3U-4AD programming in English 4mA to 20mA 0-10V
  22. 22- 23-Mitsubishi PLC Digital to Analogue Module FX3U-4DA Analogue Output programming 4mA- 20mA 0-10V
  23. 23- 24- Introduction, Configuration, Programming of CC-Link System in Q series Mitsubishi PLC in English