• Lesson.No : 20
  • 00:17:54
  • [1-10] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Memory, Floating Point Imprecision, and Integer Overflow

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- Introduction to Content of CS50 Course - cs50 محتوى كورس
  2. 2- [0-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 0
  3. 3- [0-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - What is computer Science ?
  4. 4- [0-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Binary System
  5. 5- [0-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Representing Data
  6. 6- [0-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Algorithms Overview
  7. 7- [0-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Pseudocode
  8. 8- [0-6] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Scratch
  9. 9- [0-7] CS50x In Arabic - Problem Set 0
  10. 10- [1-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 1
  11. 11- [1-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - C Programming Language overview
  12. 12- [1-2] CS50x In Arabic - Printf Function in C, and Sandbox
  13. 13- [1-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Compilers
  14. 14- [1-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - String in C Programming Language
  15. 15- [1-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Conditions in C Programming Language
  16. 16- [1-6] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Loops in C Programming Language
  17. 17- [1-7] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Data types, Formats,and Operators In C Programming Language
  18. 18- [1-8] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Examples In C ( Age in days, check even and odd , Positive No...)
  19. 19- [1-9] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Screens ( Mario Example)
  20. 20- [1-10] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Memory, Floating Point Imprecision, and Integer Overflow
  21. 21- [1-11] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Shorts
  22. 22- [2-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 2
  23. 23- [2-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 2 - Part 1
  24. 24- [2-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 2 - Part 2
  25. 25- [2-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 2 - Shorts [functions, arrays, command line arguments, variables&scope]
  26. 26- [2-4] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 2 - Readability
  27. 27- [2-5] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 2 - Caesar
  28. 28- [3-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 3
  29. 29- [3-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Part 1
  30. 30- [3-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Selection Sort
  31. 31- [3-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Recursion
  32. 32- [3-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Merge Sort
  33. 33- [3-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Shorts [Sort and Search Algorithms in details]
  34. 34- [3-6] CS50x In Arabic - Pset3 - Plurality Solution
  35. 35- [3-7] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 3 - Runoff
  36. 36- [4-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 4
  37. 37- [4-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Hexadecimal
  38. 38- [4-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Pointers
  39. 39- [4-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - String is a Pointer
  40. 40- [4-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Malloc Function - Copy and Compare two strings in C
  41. 41- [4-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Detecting Memory Leaks With Valgrind & how to solve it using free()
  42. 42- [4-6] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Pass by value & Pass by reference, Memory Layout, Stack overflow
  43. 43- [4-7] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Scanf()
  44. 44- [4-8] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Files in C - fopen(), fclose(), and fprintf() functions
  45. 45- [4-9] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - fread() function and JPEG files in C.
  46. 46- [4-10] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Shorts (1) - Hexadecimal, Pointers, Defining Custom Types
  47. 47- [4-11] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Shorts (2) - Dynamic Memory Allocation, Call Stacks, File Pointers
  48. 48- [4-12] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 4 - Filter less comfortable
  49. 49- [5-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 5 - Data Structures
  50. 50- [5-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 -What is Data Structures?
  51. 51- [5-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Data Structures ( Linked Lists )
  52. 52- [5-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Implementing arrays in C ( realloc function )
  53. 53- [5-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Implementing Linked Lists In C
  54. 54- [5-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Data Structures ( Trees )
  55. 55- [5-6] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Data Structures ( Hash Tables )
  56. 56- [5-7] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Data Structures ( Trie )
  57. 57- [5-8] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Abstract Data Structures ( Queue - stack - dictionary )
  58. 58- [5-9] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 (Shorts) - Arrays vs Linked Lists vs Hash Tables vs Tries
  59. 59- [5-10] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 (Shorts) - Singly Linked Lists
  60. 60- [5-11] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 (Shorts) - Hash Tables
  61. 61- [5-12] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 (Shorts) - Tries
  62. 62- [5-13] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 5 ( Speller )
  63. 63- [6-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 6 - Python
  64. 64- [6-1] ما الفرق بين c & python ؟
  65. 65- [6-2] CS50x In Arabic - Python Basics
  66. 66- [6-3] CS50x In Arabic - Python Basics - Data Types ( List - set - tuple - range - dict )
  67. 67- [6-4] CS50x In Arabic - Python Basics - Functions and Libraries
  68. 68- [6-5] CS50x In Arabic - Python ( Input() & Type casting in python )
  69. 69- [6-6] CS50x In Arabic - Python ( Namespaces & if condition in python )
  70. 70- [6-7] CS50x In Arabic - Python - How to compare two strings in Python (Vs) C?
  71. 71- [6-8] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Defining Functions
  72. 72- [6-9] CS50x In Arabic - Python - do while loop & Python scope
  73. 73- [6-10] CS50x In Arabic - Python function arguments ( Positional vs Keyword vs Default)
  74. 74- [6-11] CS50x In Arabic - Python (Integer overflow & Floating-point imprecision)
  75. 75- [6-12] CS50x In Arabic - List in python vs array in C , sum(), len(), list.append()
  76. 76- [6-13] CS50x In Arabic - Convert string to uppercase in Python
  77. 77- [6-14] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Command Line arguments, Sys module, and Module vs Library
  78. 78- [6-15] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Exit code
  79. 79- [6-16] CS50x In Arabic - Algorithms in Python ( Linear Search )
  80. 80- [6-17] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Dictionaries ( dict ) , Phonebook Example
  81. 81- [6-18] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Pointers & How to swap two variables in Python ?
  82. 82- [6-19] CS50x In Arabic - Python - How to Write to CSV Files in Python ?
  83. 83- [6-20] CS50x In Arabic - Reading CSV files in Python “Hogwarts Example”
  84. 84- [6-21] CS50x In Arabic - How to set up Python in Visual Studio Code 2021
  85. 85- [6-22] CS50x In Arabic - Blur an Image in Python using Pillow (PIL) Library
  86. 86- [6-23] CS50x In Arabic - Text to Speech in Python using the pyttsx3 Library
  87. 87- [6-24] CS50x In Arabic - How to Install Face Recognition for Python 3.9 Dlib and use it in example
  88. 88- [6-25] CS50x In Arabic - How to generate QR Code in Python using qrcode Library
  89. 89- [6-26] CS50x In Arabic - Speech Recognition in Python - التعرف على الصوت و تحويله إلى نص
  90. 90- [6-27] CS50x In Arabic - Python (AI , ML , DL, Data Science, Neural Networks, Deepfake)
  91. 91- [6-28] CS50x In Arabic - Speller in Python ( Which is faster C or Python ? )
  92. 92- [6-29] CS50x In Arabic - Python Shorts (1) - .append() vs .insert() vs a[len(a):] , Shebang
  93. 93- [6-30] CS50x In Arabic - مدخلك لعالم oop
  94. 94- [7-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 7 - SQL
  95. 95- [7-1] CS50x In Arabic - Using data from Google Forms in Spreadsheet - Maximum rows of Excel Sheets
  96. 96- [7-2] CS50x In Arabic - Flat-File Databases ( CSV Files )
  97. 97- [7-3] CS50x In Arabic - Reading CSV files with csv.DictReader in Python csv.reader vs csv.DictReader
  98. 98- [7-4] CS50x In Arabic - Cleaning and Sorting data in CSV files using Python
  99. 99- [7-5]CS50x In Arabic -Counting Data in CSV file, Lambda or Anonymous Function, Higher order function
  100. 100- [7-6] CS50x In Arabic - Why are flat-file databases inefficient?
  101. 101- [7-7] CS50x In Arabic - What is SQL, Relational Databases, Sqlite ? (RDBMS vs Flat-file databases)
  102. 102- [7-8] CS50x In Arabic - SQLite , What is CRUD?
  103. 103- [7-9] CS50x In Arabic - How to import CSV file to SQlite using SQL
  104. 104- [7-10] CS50x In Arabic - SELECT statement in SQL "DISTINCT, COUNT, WHERE, LIKE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY"
  105. 105- [7-11] CS50x In Arabic - SQL Query Basics: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
  106. 106- [7-12] CS50x In Arabic - RDBMS Tables Design from CSV file Primary Key and Foreign Key
  107. 107- [7-13] CS50x In Arabic - SQL with Python Nested Query in SQL
  108. 108- [7-14] CS50x In Arabic - Many-to-Many Relationship in RDBMS Join Table IMDB dataset Example
  109. 109- [7-15] CS50x In Arabic - SQL Index Database Indexes
  110. 110- [7-16] CS50x In Arabic - SQL Joins with Example
  111. 111- [7-17] CS50x In Arabic - SQL Injection attacks
  112. 112- [7-18] CS50x In Arabic - Race Conditions Problem and Transactions
  113. 113- [8-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  114. 114- [8-1] CS50x In Arabic - What is the Internet?
  115. 115- [8-2] CS50x In Arabic ( TCP/IP - IP address - DHCP - MAC address - DNS Servers)
  116. 116- [8-3] CS50x In Arabic - Packets Routers TCP Protocol
  117. 117- [8-4] CS50x In Arabic - Everything You Need to Know About Servers RAID TCP Port Numbers
  118. 118- [8-5] CS50x In Arabic - Net Neutrality
  119. 119- [8-6] CS50x In Arabic - Web Protocols ( HTTP - HTTPS )
  120. 120- [8-7] CS50x In Arabic - Viewing HTTP Headers and Status Code Using Browser Developer Tools
  121. 121- [8-8] CS50x In Arabic - HTML
  122. 122- [8-9] CS50x In Arabic - CSS Semantic elements & Non Semantic elements in HTML
  123. 123- [8-10] CS50x In Arabic - Bootstrap CDN Why do we use frameworks?