Redis Fundamentals | Ahmed Emam

Ahmed Emam

Ahmed Emam

We're an open Arab source community of busy people who learn to code and build projects for nonprofits.. دوره لارافل تعتم بتعليم من الصفر حتي الاحتراف يمحتوي متقدم مع مشروع الكتروني متجر متعدد اللغات متعدد التجار

Course Details

Course Lessons

  1. 1 | Redis + Laravel 8 Tutorial #01 Course introduction and agenda 00:08:17
  2. 2 | Redis + Laravel 8 Tutorial #02 Redis Quick introduction 00:05:27
  3. 3 | Redis + Laravel 8 Tutorial #03 How to install redis on linux and configuration. 00:14:41
  4. 4 | Redis + Laravel 8 Tutorial #04 finish installing and configuring redis with laravel 8. 00:07:17
  5. 5 | Redis + Laravel 8 Tutorial #05 installing redis on windows and configure with laravel 00:09:07
  6. 6 | Redis + Laravel 8 Tutorial #06 examples on how to use laravel+queues +jobs+commands migration, model 00:12:46
  7. 7 | Redis + Laravel 8 Tutorial #07 create laravel command + job class file to select unlimited data 00:12:40
  8. 8 | Redis + Laravel 8 Tutorial #08 unsubscribed / expired users handle example using command / queues 00:16:56
  9. 9 | Redis + Laravel 9 Tutorial #09 dispatch Job and run Command + queue& queue prioritization in laravel 00:08:24
  10. 10 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #10 Create subscription email to send Via job in background 00:17:47
  11. 11 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #11 show running and failed jobs related to specific queue 00:16:24
  12. 12 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #12 run laravel jobs on queues using Redis 00:11:08
  13. 13 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #13 deal with jobs inside redis cli show,delete jobs 00:14:50
  14. 14 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #14 Caching keys , get data from Redis without database(DB performance) 00:13:11
  15. 15 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #15 fill redis DB from mysql database and deal with redis keys and values 00:10:41
  16. 16 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #16 fill Redis DB from customers table real examples 00:14:07
  17. 17 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #17 create and update customer based on mysql and calculate time 00:16:53
  18. 18 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #18 create , update customer table using Redis high performance mp4 00:04:19
  19. 19 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #19understand laravel caching with real examples - basic caching operations 00:14:04
  20. 20 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #20 How to fill caching from Mysql database. 00:10:11
  21. 21 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #21 crearte and update without caching and calculae request time 00:08:53
  22. 22 | Redis + Laravel Tutorial #22 big difference in performance when using Cache with MySQL Queries 00:09:26
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    Redis + Laravel 8 complete tutorial - لارافل ريدس _ Redis queue with laravel- Redis caching with laravel

    كورس شرح لارافل و ريدس laravel + redis وكيفيه استخدام الكاش و الكيو مع لارافل
    laravel Redis queue,caching,jobs, and more