JavaScript applications | CodingLab



Welcome to CodingLab. I'm Prem Shahi and on this channel, you'll find tutorials on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as creative UI/UX designs, CSS animations, and effects. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, I hope you find my content helpful and enjoyable.. I offer the free source code for all of my video tutorials on my website - My goal is to inspire and empower design-focused frontend developers & designers.. Don't forget to subscribe to my ch

Course Details

  • Course Lessons71
  • Course Period23h 30m
  • No.Students2
  • LanguageEnglish
  • No Prerequisite
  • (2)
  • Start Now for free

Course Lessons

  1. 1 | Build Rock Paper Scissors Game in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:25:33
  2. 2 | Make Responsive Todo List App in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:32:11
  3. 3 | Image Slider in HTML CSS & JavaScript Card Slider 00:18:48
  4. 4 | How to make Pagination in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:18:23
  5. 5 | Create Random Password Generator in HTML CSS & JavaScript Strong Password Generator 00:18:08
  6. 6 | How to Validate Email and Password in HTML CSS & JavaScript Form Validation 00:34:00
  7. 7 | How to Create Star Rating in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:08:26
  8. 8 | Drag & Drop using HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:08:49
  9. 9 | OTP Code Verification Form in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:18:30
  10. 10 | Create A Download Button with Timer in HTML CSS & JavaScript Download Files with Countdown Timer 00:13:32
  11. 11 | Create Analog Clock in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:19:14
  12. 12 | How to Make Coming Soon Website in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:20:35
  13. 13 | Temperature Converter in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:10:45
  14. 14 | Build a Game in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:20:35
  15. 15 | How to make Responsive Card Slider in HTML CSS & JavaScript SwiperJs 00:22:01
  16. 16 | How to make Card Slider in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:20:07
  17. 17 | Animated Toast Notification with Progress Bar in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:17:11
  18. 18 | Button with Increment and Decrement Number HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:07:28
  19. 19 | Multiple Options Select Menu in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:22:00
  20. 20 | Multiple Typing Text Animation in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:08:12
  21. 21 | Responsive Login and Registration Form in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:32:06
  22. 22 | Responsive Registration Form in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:33:10
  23. 23 | Responsive Admin Dashboard Panel in HTML CSS & JavaScript Dark/Light Mode 01:00:21
  24. 24 | Responsive Dropdown Navigation Menu using HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:42:36
  25. 25 | Responsive Image Gallery with Search Box in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:17:32
  26. 26 | Custom Dropdown Select Menu in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:14:16
  27. 27 | Create a Website in HTML CSS and JavaScript Dark/Light Mode Theme Colour Switchers 00:39:22
  28. 28 | How to create Responsive Accordion in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:18:38
  29. 29 | How To Make Calculator using HTML CSS & JavaScript Glass morphism Calculator 00:20:55
  30. 30 | Download Button with Progress Bar in HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:12:23
  31. 31 | How to Make Responsive Testimonial Slider in HTML CSS & JavaScript SwiperJs 00:17:08
  32. 32 | How to make Responsive Image Slider in HTML CSS & JavaScript/Swiperjs Image Slideshow 00:16:22
  33. 33 | Create Stopwatch Application in HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:18:33
  34. 34 | How to Check & Confirm Password in HTML CSS and JavaScript Password Show & Hide Input Animations 00:25:14
  35. 35 | How to make Circular Progress Bar in HTML CSS & JavaScript Skills Bar 00:12:52
  36. 36 | How to Create Responsive Card Slider in HTML CSS & JavaScript SwiperJs 00:16:57
  37. 37 | Draggable Circular Navigation Menu in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:17:57
  38. 38 | How to Make Password Strength Checker in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:22:13
  39. 39 | Dynamic Digital Clock in HTML CSS and JavaScript Light and Dark Theme 00:22:26
  40. 40 | Animated Popup Modal Box in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:23:05
  41. 41 | Responsive FAQ Accordion using HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:23:12
  42. 42 | How to make Password Show Hide using HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:10:13
  43. 43 | Animated Navigation Bar with Indicator using HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:14:04
  44. 44 | How to Create Popup Modal Box in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:14:59
  45. 45 | Button Ripple Animation in HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:12:52
  46. 46 | How to Validate Email in HTML CSS & JavaScript Email Validation 00:11:12
  47. 47 | Create a Responsive Navigation Bar with Search Box in HTML CSS & JavaScript Responsive Navbar 00:26:00
  48. 48 | Email Validation in HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:20:40
  49. 49 | Responsive Sidebar Menu in HTML CSS & JavaScript Dark/Light Mode 00:37:18
  50. 50 | Responsive Video Gallery Lightbox in HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:27:52
  51. 51 | How To Copy Text To Clipboard using HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:15:39
  52. 52 | Button with Progress Bar in HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:12:35
  53. 53 | Animated Product Card using HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:26:24
  54. 54 | Best JavaScript Projects For Beginners HTML CSS & JavaScript Projects 00:13:50
  55. 55 | Multi Step Progress Bar in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:19:49
  56. 56 | Create Popup Cookies Consent Box in HTML CSS & JavaScript Set Cookie JavaScript 00:13:48
  57. 57 | How to make Toggle Button with Dark/Light Mode in HTML CSS & JavaScript LocalStorage 00:10:00
  58. 58 | Make a Responsive Search Bar in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:13:58
  59. 59 | Responsive Navigation Bar with HTML CSS & JavaScript Dark/Light Mode 00:38:20
  60. 60 | Responsive Image Gallery with Lightbox using HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:30:35
  61. 61 | Character Limit using HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:15:23
  62. 62 | Border Loading Animation in HTML CSS & JavaScript CSS Animation & Effects 00:10:45
  63. 63 | All Hamburger Menu Animation in HTML CSS and JavaScript 00:13:55
  64. 64 | Create Navigation Menu Bar with Indicator in HTML CSS & JavaScript Tab Bar 00:18:18
  65. 65 | Responsive Dropdown Sidebar Menu using HTML CSS and JavaScript Side Navigation Bar 00:40:33
  66. 66 | Double Click Heart Animation in HTML CSS & JavaScript Click Animations 00:09:33
  67. 67 | Password Show or Hide Toggle using HTML CSS & JavaScript CodingLab 00:10:49
  68. 68 | Create a Responsive Calculator in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:12:43
  69. 69 | Text to Speech Converter in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:11:50
  70. 70 | Captcha Generator in HTML CSS & JavaScript 00:24:37
  71. 71 | Temperature Converter in JavaScript 00:00:21
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    JavaScript Projects

    In this playlist, I have added JavaScript Projects for beginners to advance. You can learn all the javascript projects by watching the video tutorials or by downloading all the source code files, the link is in every video description.