Can I cast the PHP foreach value to an object or another?

  • 25-01-2022
  • 1233
  • admin
firstly, let's show an example for our scenario
let's assume that we have a PHP multidimensional associative array $arr which has name and age
$arr = [
['name' => 'Ahmed', 'age' => 10],
['name' => 'Ali', 'age' => 15],
['name' => 'Gehad', 'age' => 30],
now, I try casting each single value as an object insted of array using PHP foreach
foreach ($arr as (object)$element)
echo"$element->name,$element->age <br>";
that is false, I can't cast the PHP foreach value becuase the expression <?php foreach ($variable as $value) ?> is not writable, it just a declartion.
and now what is the soultion or how can I cast the PHP foreach element?
foreach ($arr as $element) {
$element = (object)$element;
echo"$element->name,$element->age <br>";
and by following the previous syntax you can cast the PHP value


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