• رقم الدرس : 79
  • 00:03:51
  • 80. Scoped Style

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- 1.what is vue js?
  2. 2- 2.Different ways of using Vue js
  3. 3- 3.important Notes About the Vue Course
  4. 4- 4.Build A First App With Just JavaScript
  5. 5- 5.Re-building the APP with Vue
  6. 6- 6.First Module Introduction
  7. 7- 7.Creating and Connecting Vue App Instances
  8. 8- 8.Interpolation and Data Binding
  9. 9- 9.Binding Attributes with the "v-bind" Directive
  10. 10- 10.Understadning Methods in vue Apps
  11. 11- 11.Working with Data inside of a Vue App
  12. 12- 12.OutPutting Raw HTML Content with v-html
  13. 13- 13.Understanding Event Binding
  14. 14- 14.Events & methods
  15. 15- 15.Working with event Arguments
  16. 16- 16.Using The Native Event Object
  17. 17- 17.Exploring Event Modifiers
  18. 18- 18.Locking Content with v-once
  19. 19- 19.Data Binding + Event Binding = Two-Way Binding
  20. 20- 20.Methods used for Data Binding How It Works
  21. 21- 21.Introducing Computed Properties
  22. 22- 22.Working with Watchers
  23. 23- 23.v-bind and v-on Shorthands
  24. 24- 24.Dynamic Styling with Inline Styles
  25. 25- 25.Adding CSS Classes Dynamically
  26. 26- 26.Classes & Computed Properties
  27. 27- 27.Dynamic Classes Array Syntax
  28. 28- 28.Understanding the Problem
  29. 29- 29.Rendering Content Conditionally
  30. 30- 30.v-if, v-else and v-else-if
  31. 31- 31.Using v-show Instead Of v-if
  32. 32- 32.Rendering Lists of Data
  33. 33- 33.Diving Deeper Into v-for
  34. 34- 34.Removing List Items
  35. 35- 35.Lists & Keys
  36. 36- 36.Intro to simple project
  37. 37- 37.Project Setup & first Methods
  38. 38- 38.Updating the Health Bars
  39. 39- 40.Adding a "heal" Function
  40. 40- 39.Adding a "Special Attack"
  41. 41- 41.Adding a "Game Over" Screen
  42. 42- 42.Finishing the Core Functionality
  43. 43- 43.Adding a Battle Log
  44. 44- 45.An Introduction to Vue's Reactivity
  45. 45- 46.Vue Reactivity A Deep Dive
  46. 46- 47.One App vs Multiple Apps
  47. 47- 48.Understanding Templates
  48. 48- 49.Working with Refs
  49. 49- 50. How View Updates the DOM
  50. 50- 51. Vue App Lifecycle - Theory
  51. 51- 52. Vue App Lifecycle - Practice
  52. 52- 53.Why We Need Components?
  53. 53- 54.Introducing Components
  54. 54- 55.Vue CLI Intro
  55. 55- 56 Why We Want Better Developer Experience?
  56. 56- 57.Installing & Using the Vue CLI
  57. 57- 59. Inspecting the Vue Code & ".vue" Files
  58. 58- 60. More on ".vue" Files
  59. 59- 61. A New Vue Project
  60. 60- 58.Inspecting the Created Project
  61. 61- 62.Creating a Basic Vue App
  62. 62- 64. adding styling
  63. 63- 63. Adding a Component
  64. 64- 65. Intro to component communication
  65. 65- 66. Introducing props parent to child
  66. 66- 67. Prop Behavior & Changing Props
  67. 67- 68. Validating Props
  68. 68- 69. Working with Dynamic Prop Values
  69. 69- 70. Emitting Custom Events (Child to Parent Communication)
  70. 70- 71. Defining & Validating Custom Events
  71. 71- 72. Demo Adding Components & Connecting Them
  72. 72- 73.Demo: Adding More Component Communication
  73. 73- 74. A Potential Problem (When Create Components)
  74. 74- 75. Provide + Inject To The Rescue
  75. 75- 76. Provide + Inject for Functions / Methods
  76. 76- 77. Provide + Inject vs Props & Custom Events
  77. 77- 78. Diving Deeper Into Components
  78. 78- 79. Global vs Local Components
  79. 79- 80. Scoped Style