• رقم الدرس : 39
  • 00:04:02
  • Thermodynamics 1 C5 - L7 How to define the entropy in different ways

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Thermodynamics 1 C1 - L1 The science of thermodynamics and S.I. units
  2. 2- Thermodynamics 1 C1 - L2 The system types
  3. 3- Thermodynamics 1 C1 - L3 Properties types
  4. 4- Thermodynamics 1 C1 - L4 Sample of properties - 1
  5. 5- Thermodynamics 1 C1 - L5 Sample of properties - 2
  6. 6- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L1 Definition of energy and Potential energy
  7. 7- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L2 Kinetic energy
  8. 8- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L3 Internal energy
  9. 9- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L4 Energy transfer by work
  10. 10- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L5 How to determine work in various cases?
  11. 11- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L6 Energy transfer by heat
  12. 12- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L7 Heat transfer modes and heat flux
  13. 13- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L8 Heat types and energy transfer by mass flow
  14. 14- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L9 First law of thermodynamics
  15. 15- Thermodynamics 1 C2 - L10 First law of thermodynamics : Energy balances
  16. 16- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L1 Phase transition and vapor pressure curve
  17. 17- capture 3 2Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L2 Vapor pressure curve and T-v diagram
  18. 18- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L3 T-v diagram
  19. 19- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L4 P-v diagram
  20. 20- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L5 Comparison of T-v diagram, P-v diagram and Vapor pressure curve
  21. 21- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L6 Phase diagram
  22. 22- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L7 Enthalpy
  23. 23- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L8 How to use property tables of water
  24. 24- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L9 Properties of Saturated water using the tables
  25. 25- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L10 How to determine the state of water ?
  26. 26- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L11 How to have Ideal gas law?
  27. 27- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L12 Ideal gas law: different forms
  28. 28- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L13 Applications of ideal gas
  29. 29- Thermodynamics 1 C3 - L14 How to use equations to determine energy
  30. 30- Thermodynamics 1 C4 - L1 Application of first law of thermodynamics for a closed system
  31. 31- Thermodynamics 1 C4 - L2 Application of first law of thermodynamics for an opened system - 1
  32. 32- Thermodynamics 1 C4 - L3 Application of first law of thermodynamics for an opened system - 2
  33. 33- Thermodynamics 1 C5 - L1 Thermal machine - 1
  34. 34- Thermodynamics 1 C5 - L2 Thermal machine - 2
  35. 35- Thermodynamics 1 C5 - L3 Definition of reversible and irreversible processes
  36. 36- Thermodynamics 1 C5 - L4 The second law of thermodynamics: different statements
  37. 37- Thermodynamics 1 C5 - L5 The Carnot cycle
  38. 38- Thermodynamics 1 C5 - L6 Reverse Carnot cycle or refrigeration cycle
  39. 39- Thermodynamics 1 C5 - L7 How to define the entropy in different ways