• رقم الدرس : 06
  • 00:04:49
  • React Native Tutorial 6: Props

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- React Native Tutorial 1: Introduction!
  2. 2- React Native Tutorial 2: Setting up React Native
  3. 3- React Native Tutorial 3: File Structure
  4. 4- React Native Tutorial 4: Hello World
  5. 5- React Native Tutorial 5: Hello World Explained
  6. 6- React Native Tutorial 6: Props
  7. 7- React Native Tutorial 7: State
  8. 8- React Native Tutorial 8: Stylesheets and Flexbox Layouts
  9. 9- React Native Tutorial 9: Getting user text
  10. 10- React Native Tutorial 10: Uncontrolled v/S controlled components
  11. 11- React Native Tutorial 11: Creating a Calculator - Part 1
  12. 12- React Native Tutorial 12: Creating a Calculator - Part 2
  13. 13- React Native Tutorial 13: Creating a Calculator - Part 3 (TouchableOpacity)
  14. 14- React Native Tutorial 14: Creating a Calculator - Part 4 onPress for TouchableOpacity
  15. 15- React Native Tutorial 15: Creating a Calculator - Part 5
  16. 16- React Native Tutorial 16: Creating a Calculator - Part 6 eval
  17. 17- React Native Tutorial 17: Creating a Calculator - Part 7 eval
  18. 18- React Native Tutorial 18: Finishing the Calculator!!
  19. 19- React Native Tutorial 19: Organizing Files
  20. 20- React Native Tutorial 20: React Navigation Introduction
  21. 21- React Native Tutorial 21: Stacknavigator
  22. 22- React Native Tutorial 22: Login Application - Part 1
  23. 23- React Native Tutorial 23: Login Application - Part 2
  24. 24- React Native Tutorial 24: Login Application - Part 3
  25. 25- React Native Tutorial 25: Login Application - Part 4
  26. 26- React Native Tutorial 26: Login Application - Part 5
  27. 27- React Native Tutorial 27: Login Application - Part 6
  28. 28- React Native Tutorial 28: DrawerNavigator
  29. 29- React Native Tutorial 29: Custom DrawerNavigator
  30. 30- React Native Tutorial 30: Images
  31. 31- React Native Tutorial 31: Routing in Custom Drawer
  32. 32- React Native Tutorial 32: Handling relative URL imports
  33. 33- React Native Tutorial 33: Material UI in React Native
  34. 34- React Native Tutorial 34: Using React Native Paper