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فيديو شرح ReactJS Tutorial 2: Installing Required Tools ضمن كورس React JS شرح قناة Code Stoic، الفديو رقم 2 مجانى معتمد اونلاين
In this video we will learn how to install visual studio code and NodeJs for React development.
Follow the following steps to setup React development environment on your system
Step 1: Download VS code: https://code.visualstudio.com/
Step 2: Download Chrome: https://www.google.com/intl/en_in/chrome/
Step 3: Download Node: https://nodejs.org/en
Step 4: Install prettier.
Set prettier extension as default formatter.
Search For Format on save, make sure it is checked.
Follow the entire React JS playlist:
Entire React Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vMHn66JJH5zs&listPLSsAz5wf2lkKm0BG9wUWWSgYWBzDa-dFs&ppgAQBiAQB