• رقم الدرس : 65
  • 00:07:38
  • Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 59 Matlab PDE Modeler - Geometry meshing 1

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 01 Intro
  2. 2- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 02 Matrix operations
  3. 3- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 03 solving a set of linear algebraic equations
  4. 4- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 04 Defining function handle
  5. 5- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 05 Polynomial operations
  6. 6- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 06 Plotting in Matlab (1)
  7. 7- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 06-b axis formatting
  8. 8- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 07 plotting on loglog and semilog scales
  9. 9- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 08 Multiple plots in one figure
  10. 10- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 09 Plots - Saving plots
  11. 11- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 10 Plots - Function plots
  12. 12- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 11 Plots - Adding text and extracting data
  13. 13- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 12 Using plot tools
  14. 14- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 13 Data fitting tool
  15. 15- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 14 Least square fitting
  16. 16- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 14a - Data fitting toolbox installation
  17. 17- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 14 b - Data fitting using "fit" function
  18. 18- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 15 More options in Data fitting tool
  19. 19- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 16 m-files
  20. 20- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 17 User-defined functions
  21. 21- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 18 Example on m-file and UDF - Redlich-Kwong equation of state
  22. 22- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 19 String variables
  23. 23- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 20 disp, input functions and interactive programs
  24. 24- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 21 fprintf function
  25. 25- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 22 create tables using fprintf function
  26. 26- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 23 Solving non linear equations
  27. 27- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 24 Solving non linear equations - One equation in one variable
  28. 28- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 25 Solving non linear equations - solving a set of equations
  29. 29- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 26 fsolve tutorial - bubble and dew points for ideal mixture
  30. 30- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 27 Function minimization
  31. 31- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 28 Relational and operational statements
  32. 32- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 29 If conditional
  33. 33- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 30 for loop
  34. 34- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 30b Nested for loops
  35. 35- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 31 for loop tutorial - Ideal system phase diagram
  36. 36- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 32 While loop
  37. 37- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 33 While loop tutorial - friction factor vs Re number
  38. 38- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 34 Introduction to integration
  39. 39- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 35 - Analytical integration - int function
  40. 40- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 36 Analytical integration - dsolve function
  41. 41- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 37 Numerical integration - Trapezoidal rule
  42. 42- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 38 Numerical integration - quad and integral functions
  43. 43- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 39 Numerical integration - ode45 function
  44. 44- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 40 Numerical integration - orifice in open vs closed tanks
  45. 45- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 40b Numerical integration of coupled equations
  46. 46- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 40 c Overview on different "ode" functions in Matlab
  47. 47- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 41 Using Matlab help
  48. 48- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 42 McCabe Thiele diagram (1) - Equilibrium curve and q-line
  49. 49- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 43 McCabe Thiele diagram (2) - top and bottom section lines
  50. 50- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 44 McCabe Thiele diagram (3) - NTS in top section
  51. 51- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 45 McCabe Thiele diagram (4) - NTS in bottom section
  52. 52- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 46 fitting data that are hard-to-fit
  53. 53- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 47 McCabe Thiele diagram (5) - Check R_min for non ideal mixtures
  54. 54- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 48 McCabe Thiele diagram (6) - Recalculating R_min
  55. 55- Introduction to Matalb in Arabic 49 McCabe Thiele diagram (7) Stages for non ideal systems
  56. 56- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 50 Local functions (1) - Introduction
  57. 57- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 51 Local functions (2) - Global variables
  58. 58- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 52 Local functions (3) - Bubble and dew points revisited
  59. 59- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 53 Matlab PDE Modeler - Intro (1)
  60. 60- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 54 Matlab PDE Modeler - Intro (2)
  61. 61- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 55 Matlab PDE Modeler - Introduction to the user interface
  62. 62- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 56 Drawing system geometry (1)
  63. 63- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 57 Matlab PDE Modeler - Drawing system geometry (2)
  64. 64- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 58 Matlab PDE Modeler - Defining boundary conditions
  65. 65- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 59 Matlab PDE Modeler - Geometry meshing 1
  66. 66- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 60 Matlab PDE Modeler - Geometry meshing (2)
  67. 67- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 61 Matlab PDE Modeler - Solving PDE (1)
  68. 68- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 62 Matlab PDE Modeler - Solving PDE 2
  69. 69- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 63 Matlab PDE Modeler - B.C. for symmetric geometries
  70. 70- Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 64 Matlab PDE Modeler - Unsteady state PDE