• رقم الدرس : 20
  • 00:12:05
  • iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 20 - Table Views

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 1 - Apple Developer Registration
  2. 2- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 2 - iOS Developer Program
  3. 3- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 3 - Installing Xcode 6
  4. 4- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 4 - Setting Up a New Project
  5. 5- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 5 - Quick Tour of the Interface
  6. 6- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 6 - Creating a Simple Design
  7. 7- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 7 - Adding Home Screen App Icons
  8. 8- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 8 - User Interaction
  9. 9- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 9 - Button Clicking Example
  10. 10- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 10 - Layout Constraints
  11. 11- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 11 - Pin Tool
  12. 12- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 12 - Adding a Background Image
  13. 13- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 13 - Designing the Log In Screen
  14. 14- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 14 - Hide Keyboard and First Responder
  15. 15- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 15 - Sliders
  16. 16- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 16 - Segmented Control
  17. 17- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 17 - Multiple Views or Screens
  18. 18- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 18 - Adding Brains to the View
  19. 19- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 19 - Storyboards and Scenes
  20. 20- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 20 - Table Views
  21. 21- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 21 - Populating a Table from a Data Source
  22. 22- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 22 - Grouped Table Views
  23. 23- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 23 - Drawing with Core Graphics
  24. 24- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 24 - Drawing Basic Shapes
  25. 25- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 25 - Foreheads Make Me Nervous
  26. 26- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 26 - Drawing Images and Photos
  27. 27- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 27 - Core Animation
  28. 28- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 28 - UIKit Dynamics
  29. 29- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 29 - Gravity
  30. 30- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 30 - Collision Detection
  31. 31- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 31 - Introduction to Sprite Kit
  32. 32- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 32 - Games Welcome Screen
  33. 33- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 33 - Transitioning to a New Scene
  34. 34- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 34 - Adding the Main Character
  35. 35- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 35 - Building the Animation
  36. 36- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 36 - Playing the Animation
  37. 37- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 37 - Creating the Bullet
  38. 38- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 38 - Firing the Bullet
  39. 39- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 39 - Creating the Ball Node
  40. 40- iOS Development with Swift Tutorial - 40 - Shooting the Falling Balls