• رقم الدرس : 10
  • 00:07:00
  • 10-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Constraints

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- 1-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: The Start Idea
  2. 2- 2-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Interface /Start Part/ Units
  3. 3- 3-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Creating your first 2D sketch /Sketch Commands
  4. 4- 4- Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Using the Mouse zoom,move, rotate the part
  5. 5- 5-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: First 3D model
  6. 6- 6-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Drawing Tools/ Dimensions/ Contraints/ Fully defined/ Trim
  7. 7- 7-Inventor Beginner Tutorial : Background, Color, ViewCube, Navigation Bar
  8. 8- 8-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Drawing Tools, rectangle, spline, ellipse, fillet polygon Text
  9. 9- 9-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Dimensions, Tab, Drag, Edit sketch
  10. 10- 10-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Constraints
  11. 11- 11-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Sketch Pattern, Rect. Cir Mirror
  12. 12- 12-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Modify Menu in Sketch, move, scale, trim etc
  13. 13- 13-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Extrude, types, edit feature
  14. 14- 14-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Sketch on Surfaces/Parts
  15. 15- 15-Inventor Beginner Tutorial:Extrude Cut / types
  16. 16- 16-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Primitives
  17. 17- 17-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Revolve
  18. 18- 18-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Revolve Cut
  19. 19- 19- AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Project Geometry
  20. 20- 20- AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Extruded Offset
  21. 21- 21- AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Sweep
  22. 22- 22- AutoDesk Beginner Tutorial: Inserting Reference Planes
  23. 23- 23- AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Using Loft
  24. 24- 24- AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Loft Conditions Hidding a plane
  25. 25- 25-AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Rib
  26. 26- 26 AutoDesk Inventor beginner Tutorial: Sketch Workbench, lines, selections
  27. 27- 27 AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Rectangles Types
  28. 28- 28 AutoDesk beginner Inventor Tutorial: Types of circles in sketching
  29. 29- 29 AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Exit,Finish Sketch, Back to skech, Edit sketch
  30. 30- 30 Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Arc Types and using
  31. 31- 31 AutoDesk Inventor beginner Tutorial: Arc from line, time saving
  32. 32- 32 AutoDesk Inventor beginner Tutorial: Spline, types and using
  33. 33- 33 AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Equation Curve, Advanced Spline
  34. 34- 34 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: 2 sketches work, projecting, referencing
  35. 35- 35 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Sketch Fillet, using, different radius at once
  36. 36- 36 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Sketch Chamfer, using and types
  37. 37- 37 AutoDesk Inventor beginner Tutorial: Geometry Text vs Text
  38. 38- 38 AutoDesk Inventor beginner Tutorial: Advanced dimensioning and constrainting
  39. 39- 39 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Advanced Sketching with picture inserting
  40. 40- 40 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: More advanced sketching tools ,excel points and autocad
  41. 41- 41 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Coil
  42. 42- 42 AutoDesk Inventor beginner Tutorial: Emboss
  43. 43- 43 AutoDesk beginner Tutorial: Hole
  44. 44- 44 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Edge Fillet , constant, edge loop feature
  45. 45- 45 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Face Fillet
  46. 46- 46 AutoDesk Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Full Round Fillet
  47. 47- 47 AutoDesk Inventor beg.Tutorial: Variable Fillet
  48. 48- 48 AutoDesk Inventor beg.Tutorial: Chamfer in 3D model
  49. 49- 49 AutoDesk Inventor b. Tutorial: Shell using and types
  50. 50- 50 AutoDesk Inventor b. Tutorial: Fixed Edge Draft
  51. 51- 51 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Fixed Plane Draft
  52. 52- 52 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Parting Line Drafting
  53. 53- 53 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Thread
  54. 54- 54 AutoDesk Tutorial: Split Face
  55. 55- 55 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial Trim Solid
  56. 56- 56 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Split Solid
  57. 57- 57 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Combine
  58. 58- 58 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Face Move, Free Move
  59. 59- 59 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Direction and distance Free Move
  60. 60- 60 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Copy Object Body
  61. 61- 61 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Copy Object, surface
  62. 62- 62 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Move Bodies
  63. 63- 63 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Work Plane
  64. 64- 64 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Work Axis
  65. 65- 65 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Work Points
  66. 66- 66 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: UCS Coordinate System
  67. 67- 67 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Linear Pattern
  68. 68- 68 AutoDesk Inventor: Body Pattern
  69. 69- 69 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Circular Pattern
  70. 70- 70 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Body,feature circular pattern
  71. 71- 71 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: Mirror ,body, feature, planes
  72. 72- 72 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Introduction to Surfaces
  73. 73- 73 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Ur 1st surface, Extrude surface
  74. 74- 74 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Revolve Surface
  75. 75- 75 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Loft Surface
  76. 76- 76 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Sweep surface
  77. 77- 77 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Thicken Surface
  78. 78- 78 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Boundry Patch
  79. 79- 79 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Trim Surface
  80. 80- 80 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Split Surface
  81. 81- 81 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Delete face, surface
  82. 82- 82 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Extend Surface
  83. 83- 83 AutoDesk Inventor Surface Tutorial: Replace Face
  84. 84- 84 AutoDesk Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Introduction to assemblies
  85. 85- 85 Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Creating Parts for Assembly , review part skills
  86. 86- 86 Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Placing ur Parts, duplicating
  87. 87- 87 AutoDesk Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Fix and Float, Grounded
  88. 88- 88 AutoDesk Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Primary Positioning, move, rotate
  89. 89- 89 AutoDesk Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Mate Constraint
  90. 90- 90 Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Angle Constraint
  91. 91- 91 Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Tangent Constraint
  92. 92- 92 AutoDesk Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Insert Constraint
  93. 93- 93 Inventor Assembly Tutorial: 2nd method of placing parts
  94. 94- 94 Inventor assembly Tutorial: 2nd method, assemble feature
  95. 95- 95 AutoDesk Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Alt key assembly
  96. 96- 96 Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Analyze Interference
  97. 97- 97 Inventor Assembly Tutorial :Contact Set defining
  98. 98- 98 Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Appearance in Assembly
  99. 99- 99 Inventor Assembly Tutorial: Explode, Presentation View
  100. 100- 100 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Introduction to Drawings, new, standard, sheet
  101. 101- 101 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Base view, projected view
  102. 102- 102 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Auxilary View, customized view
  103. 103- 103 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Section View
  104. 104- 104 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Detail view
  105. 105- 105 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Break View
  106. 106- 106 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Crop Drawing
  107. 107- 107 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Adding Dimensions
  108. 108- 108 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Base Line Dimensioning
  109. 109- 109 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Ordinate Dimensioning
  110. 110- 110 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Chain Dimensioning
  111. 111- 111 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Arrang Dimensions
  112. 112- 112 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: REtrieve Dimentions
  113. 113- 113 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Feature Notes, Hole, chamfer, punch , bend
  114. 114- 114 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Adding Text vs Leader Text
  115. 115- 115 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Surface Note
  116. 116- 116 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Welding
  117. 117- 117 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: CenterLine, CenterMark, Bisector
  118. 118- 118 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Create Sketch on Drawings Views
  119. 119- 119 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Parts List BOM, Balloons
  120. 120- 120 Inventor Drawing Tutorial: Scale, Title, Printing Size, last stage