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Mohamed Montasser
فيديو شرح Common file types and the programs that open them Lesson 4.2 ECDL/ICDL Module 1, Computer Essentials ضمن كورس ICDL شرح قناة Abit Academy، الفديو رقم 16 مجانى معتمد اونلاين
Module 1: Computers and Devices, In this lesson I show you how to identify common types of files that you will find and use in Windows 10, we look at what programs open these common file types and how to use a different program to open them. We look at the properties of the file so you can see when it was created, last modified and even when it was last accessed. We also delve a bit deeper into using Windows explorer as I show you how to change the view to make the most of working with files within Windows 10.
This lesson is part of a full course covering all of the exam objectives for the ECDL/ICDL Module 1: Computers and Devices, the full course playlist can be found here:
ECDL/ICDL is the world's leading computer skills certificate. The ECDL/ICDL programme defines the skills and competencies necessary to use a computer and common computer applications.
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