• رقم الدرس : 60
  • 00:03:13
  • Some Spark Shell Commands

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Big Data and Hadoop - Introduction
  2. 2- Big Data Overview
  3. 3- Types of Data under Big Data
  4. 4- Big Data Technologies
  5. 5- Five V's in Big Data
  6. 6- Introduction to Hadoop
  7. 7- What is Hadoop?
  8. 8- Brief History on Hadoop
  9. 9- Hadoop Ecosystem
  10. 10- Different Hadoop Vendors
  11. 11- Hadoop Architecture
  12. 12- Introduction to Environment Setup
  13. 13- Installing Virtual Box and Setup a Machine
  14. 14- Installing Linux Environment
  15. 15- Installing JDK and JRE for Hadoop
  16. 16- Installing Hadoop for Single Node Cluster
  17. 17- Installing Hadoop on Pseudo Distributed Mode
  18. 18- Final Steps for Hadoop Installation
  19. 19- Introduction to HDFS
  20. 20- Overview on HDFS
  21. 21- HDFS Architecture
  22. 22- HDFS Reading
  23. 23- HDFS Writing
  24. 24- Basic HDFS Commands
  25. 25- Introduction to Map Reduce
  26. 26- What is MapReduce?
  27. 27- Shuffle & Sorting of MapReduce Task
  28. 28- Job Scheduling in MapReduce
  29. 29- Basics of MapReduce Algorithms
  30. 30- Example of MapReduce Program
  31. 31- Introduction to HBase
  32. 32- HBase Overview
  33. 33- HBase Installation
  34. 34- HBase Architecture
  35. 35- Difference Between RDBMS and HBase
  36. 36- HBase Shell
  37. 37- Table Creation & Data insertion
  38. 38- Data Scan and Read
  39. 39- Disabling and Enabling of a Table
  40. 40- Data Deletion in HBase Table
  41. 41- Introduction to Hive
  42. 42- Hive Overview
  43. 43- Hive Installation
  44. 44- Hive Database Creation & Usage
  45. 45- Table Creation in Hive
  46. 46- Data insertion into Hive Table
  47. 47- Delete Data & Drop Hive Tables
  48. 48- Introduction to Pig
  49. 49- Pig Overview
  50. 50- Pig Architecture
  51. 51- Pig Latin Data Model
  52. 52- Pig Latin Basics
  53. 53- Load Data from File into Pig Tables
  54. 54- Store Pig Data into Disk
  55. 55- Examples on Pig Commands
  56. 56- Introduction to Spark
  57. 57- Spark Overview
  58. 58- Spark Ecosystem
  59. 59- RDD in Spark
  60. 60- Some Spark Shell Commands
  61. 61- Spark Word Count Example
  62. 62- Introduction to Oozie
  63. 63- Oozie Overview
  64. 64- Oozie Workflow
  65. 65- Oozie Coordinator
  66. 66- Tutorix Simply Easy Learning Steps
  67. 67- Tutorix Brings Simply Easy Learning