• رقم الدرس : 22
  • 00:04:39
  • #22 dart core get runtimeType variable

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- ‎⁨#1 Dart⁩lang - introduction
  2. 2- #2 main structure files and folders project
  3. 3- #3 main function to run first code
  4. 4- #4 dart core data type String
  5. 5- #5 dart core data type int & double
  6. 6- #6 dart core datatype bool
  7. 7- #7 dart core datatype List
  8. 8- #8 dart core data type dynamic
  9. 9- #9 dart core override value
  10. 10- #10 dart core global variable
  11. 11- #11 dart core methods isEmpty & isNotEmpty
  12. 12- #12 dart core first & list & length
  13. 13- #13 dart core reversed List and convert toList
  14. 14- #14 method compare between void and dynamic or data type
  15. 15- #15 dart core to string method
  16. 16- #16 dart core lower and upper case String
  17. 17- #17 dart core trim function
  18. 18- #18 dart calculate int values
  19. 19- #19 passing value to void or type data or dynamic method
  20. 20- #20 dart math get max or min value
  21. 21- #21 dart core how to round double value
  22. 22- #22 dart core get runtimeType variable
  23. 23- #23 for loop
  24. 24- #24 forEach
  25. 25- #25 List type key and value data
  26. 26- #26 constant variables
  27. 27- #27 final variable set once
  28. 28- #28 what is built in object and methods from dart and how can make same one with as file dart
  29. 29- #29 if Conditions if & elseif & else
  30. 30- #30 how can make multi conditions in one if conditions and example about and && symbol
  31. 31- #31 if short hand Conditions
  32. 32- #32 while Loop
  33. 33- #33 do while
  34. 34- #34 Dead code
  35. 35- #35 comment one or multi lines in dart
  36. 36- #36 OOP Object oriented object oriented programming introduce
  37. 37- #37 how can make Instance Class
  38. 38- #38 how can add method to class and use it as object
  39. 39- #39 how can make class property variables and use it as object
  40. 40- #40 initialize and passing data and override value
  41. 41- #41 another way to passing data
  42. 42- #42 cascade operation to passing new Value
  43. 43- #43 Inheritance class
  44. 44- #44 Inheritance methods from main class cmproj
  45. 45- #45 Inheritance Level
  46. 46- #46 passing data with SuperClass
  47. 47- #47 more explanation about super Class
  48. 48- #48 override & passing data to extends class
  49. 49- #49 abstract class and Set default property variable also type data
  50. 50- #50 abstract class and Set default methods also type data
  51. 51- #51 use SuperClass and override
  52. 52- #52 what is the Implementing
  53. 53- #53 implement multiple Interfaces
  54. 54- #54 Getter Object
  55. 55- #55 Setter Object
  56. 56- #56 dart core List Class
  57. 57- #57 dart core List fixed length
  58. 58- #58 dart core - Map Literal
  59. 59- #59 dart core Map Contructor get Values and length and Convert to List
  60. 60- #60 dart core Map Functions remove & clear & addAll and Extract data
  61. 61- #61 dart core Map data Type
  62. 62- #62 dart-io Async with Value stdin
  63. 63- #63 dart async Introduce Async - Await
  64. 64- #64 how to install package LIKE ( http pkg ) also use this package & dart convert with json data
  65. 65- #65 introduction about JSON
  66. 66- #66 await more explanation
  67. 67- #67 How to declare Constant in Class
  68. 68- #68 final vs const in object Class otherwise declare
  69. 69- #69 Make Your custom and set Property vars Type In Object Class
  70. 70- #70 what is the Duration Class
  71. 71- #71 how to use the Duration class in DateTime class
  72. 72- #72 Enumeration
  73. 73- #73 Switch Case Statement
  74. 74- #74 try and catch
  75. 75- #75 Finally error message And how to Implement Exception Class
  76. 76- #76 dart collection Map VS HashMap
  77. 77- #77 dart core List VS Set And HashSet
  78. 78- #78 dart collection how to set your data Type in all Instances
  79. 79- #79 dart collection LinkedHashMap
  80. 80- #80 dart collection SplayTreeMap
  81. 81- #81 Factory - how it works in dart - basic explain
  82. 82- #82 File Instance How it Work & How to manage files
  83. 83- #83 what is the Stream ! & how it works basic explain
  84. 84- #84 What is Isolate and how it works? - full example part1
  85. 85- #85 Isolate - full example part2
  86. 86- #86 for in loop ? Crazy lesson & end of story