• رقم الدرس : 87
  • 00:06:23
  • 11-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Project - Motion in Premiere

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- 01-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Introduction
  2. 2- 01-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Course Phases
  3. 3- 01-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What I Need To Start
  4. 4- 01-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Introduction To Media World
  5. 5- 01-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Adobe Programs
  6. 6- 01-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Brief about Editing Programs
  7. 7- 01-07 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Basics
  8. 8- 02-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to Open New Project
  9. 9- 02-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Interface of Premiere
  10. 10- 02-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Workspace of Premiere
  11. 11- 02-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Project Panel - How to add files in Premiere
  12. 12- 02-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Project, Timeline, Program, Effect Controls, Effects Panels
  13. 13- 02-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Sequence in Premiere
  14. 14- 02-07 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Aspect Ratio
  15. 15- 02-08 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What are Progressive & Interlaced
  16. 16- 02-09 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Video & Audio Tracks
  17. 17- 02-10 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Clips in Premiere
  18. 18- 02-11 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Rate Stretch Tool & Speed/Duration
  19. 19- 02-12 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Speed & Slow Motion in Premiere
  20. 20- 02-13 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Format Factory - How to Convert the Extensions for Premiere
  21. 21- 02-14 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Source Panel
  22. 22- 02-15 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to Cut - Editing Easily - Shortcuts
  23. 23- 03-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Effects Control Panel
  24. 24- 03-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Effects Control Panel - What is Keyframes
  25. 25- 03-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Effects Control Panel - Curves
  26. 26- 03-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Effects Control Panel - Velocity & Acceleration
  27. 27- 03-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What are Previews & Rendering in Premiere
  28. 28- 03-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Effect Controls Workshop
  29. 29- 03-07 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Effect Controls Workshop
  30. 30- 04-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Overview about Effects Panel
  31. 31- 04-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Video Transitions
  32. 32- 04-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Most Important Transitions in Premiere
  33. 33- 04-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Download Free Transitions - Impact Transitions
  34. 34- 04-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Video Effects
  35. 35- 04-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Most Important Effects in Premiere
  36. 36- 04-07 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to do Reflection in Premiere
  37. 37- 04-08 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic Important Features in Premiere
  38. 38- 04-09 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Slideshow Video
  39. 39- 04-10 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to do Slideshow Video in Premiere
  40. 40- 04-11 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Example of Slideshow Video
  41. 41- 04-12 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Example of Slideshow Video
  42. 42- 05-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Audio Meters Panel
  43. 43- 05-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Audio Transitions
  44. 44- 05-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Audio Effects
  45. 45- 05-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Recording Sounds in Premiere
  46. 46- 06-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Videograph
  47. 47- 06-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Type Tool - Typing Problems
  48. 48- 06-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Type Tool in Details
  49. 49- 06-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere
  50. 50- 06-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Typing - Photoshop VS Premiere
  51. 51- 06-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Fonts - Most Important Website for Fonts
  52. 52- 06-07 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Fonts Library for Premiere
  53. 53- 06-08 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Free Footage for Premiere
  54. 54- 06-09 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Free Download Manager - FDM
  55. 55- 06-10 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Music Without Copyrights
  56. 56- 06-11 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Free SFX
  57. 57- 06-12 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Safe Margin in Premiere
  58. 58- 06-13 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Videograph Video
  59. 59- 06-14 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Dealing with Customers
  60. 60- 06-15 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to do Videograph Video in Premiere
  61. 61- 06-16 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Example of Videograph Video
  62. 62- 06-17 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Projects for Videograph
  63. 63- 07-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to Export Render Video in Premiere
  64. 64- 07-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Settings of Export in Premiere
  65. 65- 07-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Change Aspect Ratio & FPS
  66. 66- 07-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic -What is Bitrate in Premiere
  67. 67- 07-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to Export Audio MP3 in Premiere
  68. 68- 08-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Mask in Premiere
  69. 69- 08-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Mask With Effects
  70. 70- 08-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Learn Motion Tracking in Premiere
  71. 71- 08-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Project for Motion Tracking in Premiere
  72. 72- 09-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Translations - Captions
  73. 73- 09-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Captions Panel
  74. 74- 09-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Differences Between Type Tool & Captions
  75. 75- 09-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Translation - Dealing with Customers
  76. 76- 09-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Project for Translation in Premiere
  77. 77- 09-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to Export Caption in Premiere
  78. 78- 09-07 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to Upload Caption on Youtube
  79. 79- 10-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Chroma Green Screen
  80. 80- 10-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Chroma - Ultra Key Effect
  81. 81- 10-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - What is Chroma - Color Matte
  82. 82- 11-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Essential Graphics
  83. 83- 11-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Motion in Premiere
  84. 84- 11-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Motion Graphics Template - MOGRT
  85. 85- 11-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to Pins Layers in Premiere
  86. 86- 11-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - How to Align & Transform in Premiere
  87. 87- 11-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Project - Motion in Premiere
  88. 88- 11-07 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Motion in Premiere- Intro Duration / Outro Duration
  89. 89- 12-01 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Tool Box
  90. 90- 12-02 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Slow Motion in Premiere
  91. 91- 12-03 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Features in Premiere
  92. 92- 12-04 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Features in Premiere
  93. 93- 12-05 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Shortcuts in Premiere
  94. 94- 12-06 Mastering Premiere Pro in Arabic - Tips
  95. 95- تعرف على أهمية ربط البريمير مع برامج ادوبي Premiere Dynamic Link
  96. 96- كيفية ربط البريمير مع الفوتوشوب بكامل تفاصيله - Adobe Premiere & Photoshop Dynamic Link
  97. 97- كيفية ربط البريمير مع أدوبي أوديشن بكامل تفاصيله - Adobe Premiere & Adobe Audition Dynamic Link
  98. 98- كيفية ربط البريمير مع الميديا انكودر بكامل تفاصيله - Adobe Premiere & Media Encoder Dynamic Link
  99. 99- كيفية ربط البريمير مع العملاق افتر افيكت بكامل تفاصيله - Adobe Premiere & After Effect Dynamic Link
  100. 100- أساسيات وأسرار الألوان - مبادئ مهمة جداً - Adobe Premiere
  101. 101- تصحيح ألوان الفيديو بالبريمير - Adobe Premiere - Color Correction
  102. 102- عمل لوك سينمائي - Adobe Premiere - Color Grading
  103. 103- أهم ميزة بالبريمير طبقة التعديل - Adobe Premiere - Adjustment Layer
  104. 104- شرح كامل لأهم ميزة بالبريمير نسيت - Adobe Premiere Nest
  105. 105- الشرح الكامل إضافة وتعديل خصائص العلامات بالبريمير Adobe Premiere Markers
  106. 106- كيفية صنع انتقال خاص بك بالتفصيل - Adobe Premiere Presets
  107. 107- تعلم على اهم الاختصارات بالبريمير - Adobe Premiere Shortcuts
  108. 108- أفضل حزمة انتقالات وقوالب موشن جرافيك ومؤثرات صوتية مجاناً للمونتاج