• رقم الدرس : 19
  • 00:09:34
  • Tutorial on Apply Family of Functions in R language

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- A short introduction to R programming language
  2. 2- R Tutorial #1 Getting Help in R language
  3. 3- R Tutorial #2 Understanding RStudio Interface
  4. 4- R Tutorial #3 Basic Calculations in R language
  5. 5- R Tutorial #4 Working with data types in R programming language
  6. 6- R Tutorial #5 Basic Calculations in R language (Part - 2) (With Examples)
  7. 7- R Tutorial #6 Different Types of Operators in R language
  8. 8- R Tutorial#7 Different Data Structures in R language (A Quick Intro)
  9. 9- R Tutorial #8 Vectors in R language (With Examples)
  10. 10- R Tutorial #9 Matrices and its operations in R language (With Examples)
  11. 11- R Tutorial #10 Data Frames in R language (With Examples)
  12. 12- R Tutorial #11 Working with List in R (With Examples)
  13. 13- R Tutorial #12 Working with Arrays in R language (With Examples)
  14. 14- R Tutorial #13 Working with Factors in R language (With Examples)
  15. 15- Learn Subsetting in R programming language (in quick time)
  16. 16- Conditional Statements and Loops in R
  17. 17- String Functions in R
  18. 18- Regular Expressions in R language (With Examples)
  19. 19- Tutorial on Apply Family of Functions in R language
  20. 20- Working with date and timestamp in R language
  21. 21- Reading and Writing CSV Files in R language (A short little video)
  22. 22- SQLDF : Writing SQL Queries in R language
  23. 23- Understanding DPLYR package and its functions in R language (With Examples)
  24. 24- Tidy Messy Data with TidyR package (With Examples)
  25. 25- Beginner's Guide to R : Easy Ways to do basic data analysis
  26. 26- Handling Missing Values in R
  27. 27- Fundamentals of Text Mining and Word Cloud in R language
  28. 28- Basic Plots (Part - 1) - How to draw Bar Plot in R language ?
  29. 29- Basic Plots (Part - 2) - How to draw Scatter Plot in R language ?
  30. 30- Basic Plots (Part - 3) - How to draw Line Chart in R language ?
  31. 31- Basic Plots (Part - 4) - How to draw Pie Chart in R language ?
  32. 32- How to draw Heat Map in R language ?
  33. 33- How to draw Box Plot in R language ?
  34. 34- How to draw Bollinger Band in R language ?
  35. 35- Learn GGPLOT2 and its layers in R language in an easiest way.
  36. 36- Learn PLOTLY in R language in an easiest way (With Examples)
  37. 37- How to get access to Twitter's data using R language ?
  38. 38- Getting Started with R Markdown : Creating first R Markdown document
  39. 39- Getting Started with R Markdown Flexdashboard
  40. 40- R Shiny Tutorial
  41. 41- R Shiny Tutorial (Part-2) : Building the basic User Interface of Shiny App
  42. 42- R Shiny Tutorial (Part-3) : Building Interactive Shiny App in R language
  43. 43- How to get CHATGPT in RSTUDIO IDE
  44. 44- Machine Learning Tutorial : Data Pre-processing in R language
  45. 45- Machine Learning Tutorial : Learn Simple Linear Regression in R (With Example)
  46. 46- Machine Learning Tutorial : Assumptions of Linear Regression
  47. 47- Machine Learning Tutorial: Multiple Linear Regression using R
  48. 48- Introduction to Polynomial Regression
  49. 49- Implementation of Polynomial Regression in R Comparison of Linear and Polynomial Regression
  50. 50- Introduction to SVR (Support Vector Regression)
  51. 51- Implementation of Support Vector Regression in R Language
  52. 52- What is Classification in Machine Learning ? (A 2-minute tutorial)
  53. 53- How to perform Logistic Regression in R programming language (Step-By-Step)
  54. 54- How the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Algorithm Works ? (A 5-minute tutorial)
  55. 55- Implementation of K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm in R programming language
  56. 56- A short introduction to Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  57. 57- Implementing Support Vector Machine (SVM) in R language
  58. 58- Naive Bayes in R : Understanding Bayes Theorem
  59. 59- How Naive Bayes Algorithm works?
  60. 60- Implementation of Naive Bayes Algorithm in R language (in less than 10 minutes)
  61. 61- Machine Learning Tutorial - Working of Decision Tree Classifier
  62. 62- Implementation of Decision Tree Classifier in RStudio (in less than 10 minutes)
  63. 63- A short little introduction to Random Forest Classifier
  64. 64- Implementation of Random Forest Classifier in RStudio
  67. 67- Implementation of K-Means Clustering in R (Part - 1)
  68. 68- Implementation of K-Means Clustering in R (Part - 2)
  69. 69- Basics of Apriori : Association Rule Learning Model
  70. 70- Implementation of Apriori in R programming language