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فيديو شرح 9. Food Order Website with PHP and MySQL (Connecting Frontend and Backend) ضمن كورس PHP Projects شرح قناة Vijay Thapa، الفديو رقم 9 مجانى معتمد اونلاين
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This is the 9th part of our "Food Order Website with PHP and MySQL" Course. In this part you'll work on
Converting Frontend into PHP
Connecting Frontend with Backend using PHP
Display Foods and Categories in Frontend using PHP
#foodordersystem #php #mysql
Hello Everyone,
Welcome back to "Food Order Website" course, you will learn to create complete dynamic and fully functional website using PHP programming language and MySQL Database.
Get The Code - https://buymeacoffee.com/vijaythapa/e/226407
Recommended Tutorials
1. PHP for Beginners (Task Manager App) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v1rl36zxqZZw&listPLBLPjjQlnVXXygeLVmd9mGNtgrHaBOFos
2. Database for Beginners - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vYP8OvSsvhzs&listPLBLPjjQlnVXXH_1g7ApcuIGPWRzMEKreK
3. Complete Web Design Course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vVaV_Ro8jpPY
Join My Email Newsletter - https://vijaythapa.substack.com/
Table of Contents
02:15 - Converting HTML to PHP
04:00 - Creating Partials
13:25 - Adding Constants on 'menu.php'
18:55 - Displaying Categories on Home Page
38:07 - Displaying Active Categories on 'categories.php'
47:25 - Displaying Active and Featured Foods on Home Page
59:15 - Fixing Bug on 'update-food.php'
01:06:44 - Displaying Foods on 'foods.php'
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