Express Js | Youssef Abbas

Youssef Abbas

Youssef Abbas

دورات برمجية شاملة

تفاصيل الكورس

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | Node JS API : #01 - Introduction 00:08:31
  2. 2 | Node JS API : #02 - Node JS Modules 00:17:12
  3. 3 | Node JS API : #03 - HTTP Server in Node JS 00:05:48
  4. 4 | Node JS API : #04 - HTTP Protocol 00:06:01
  5. 5 | Node JS API : #05 - Starting Book Store API with Express JS 00:10:28
  6. 6 | Node JS API : #06 - Installing nodemon 00:13:25
  7. 7 | Node JS API : #07 - Post Method in Express JS 00:08:55
  8. 8 | Node JS API : #08 - Input Validation 00:11:14
  9. 9 | Node JS API : #09 - Creating Book Route 00:08:52
  10. 10 | Node JS API : #10 - PUT & DELETE Request 00:08:13
  11. 11 | Node JS API : #11 - Exercise 00:03:21
  12. 12 | Node JS API : #12 - Authors Route 00:06:46
  13. 13 | Node JS API : #13 - Installing MongoDB on Windows 00:07:35
  14. 14 | Node JS API : #14 - Connection to MongoDB with mongoose 00:04:35
  15. 15 | Node JS API : #15 - Creating Author Model 00:11:45
  16. 16 | Node JS API : #16 - Get Authors 00:08:06
  17. 17 | Node JS API : #17 - Update Author 00:06:22
  18. 18 | Node JS API : #18 - Delete Author 00:05:19
  19. 19 | Node JS API : #19 - Express Async Handler 00:05:13
  20. 20 | Node JS API : #20 - Book Model 00:09:17
  21. 21 | Node JS API : #21 - Book Route 00:14:16
  22. 22 | Node JS API : #22 - .env File 00:06:14
  23. 23 | Node JS API : #23 - Middleware 00:08:27
  24. 24 | Node JS API : #24 - Error Handler Middleware 00:10:39
  25. 25 | Node JS API : #25 - User Model 00:05:41
  26. 26 | Node JS API : #26 - Register New User 00:13:22
  27. 27 | Node JS API : #27 - Login User 00:10:11
  28. 28 | Node JS API : #28 - JWT 00:10:40
  29. 29 | Node JS API : #29 - Update User 00:20:04
  30. 30 | Node JS API : #30 - Get Users 00:14:21
  31. 31 | Node JS API : #31 - Get & Delete User 00:06:28
  32. 32 | Node JS API : #32 - Protected Route 00:05:39
  33. 33 | Node JS API : #33 - Refactoring 00:09:04
  34. 34 | Node JS API : #34 - Git Repository 00:02:56
  35. 35 | Node JS API : #35 - Seeding The Database 00:15:38
  36. 36 | Node JS API : #36 - Comparison Query Operators 00:17:14
  37. 37 | Node JS API : #37 - Pagination 00:13:48
  38. 38 | Node JS API : #38 - Controller 00:15:58
  39. 39 | Node JS API : #39 - MVC Pattern 00:23:31
  40. 40 | Node JS API : #40 - Reset Password 00:38:27
  41. 41 | Node JS API : #41 - Sending Email in Node JS 00:17:16
  42. 42 | Node JS API : #42 - __dirname variable in Node JS 00:05:16
  43. 43 | Node JS API : #43 - Upload Image in Node JS 00:16:43
  44. 44 | Node JS API : #44 - Fixing Some Bugs 00:07:15
  45. 45 | Node JS API : #45 - Helmet & Cors Policy in Express JS 00:05:39
  46. 46 | Node JS API : #46 - The End And Where To Go 00:08:45
    تقييمات الطلاب

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    دورة Node JS API

    In this playlist you are going to learn a lot of things in Node JS.
    The main concept in this course is to learn how to make API in Node JS with Express JS framework.
    You are going to learn these things in this course:
    --- HTTP Protocol
    --- CRUD Operation
    --- Express JS Web Framework
    --- Mongo DB Compass (Database)
    --- Hashing Password
    --- RESTful API
    --- Input Validation
    --- Middleware in Express JS
    --- Authentication & Authorization with JWT
    --- MVC Pattern
    --- Reset Password
    --- Image Upload