| Adel Sabour

تفاصيل الكورس

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | 1 ASP NET MVC Course Setup Visual Studio 2015 Introduction To ASP NET Technology and MVC 01:12:21
  2. 2 | 2 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application First Controller with Hello World 00:19:25
  3. 3 | 3 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Understanding Routes Creating and Rendering a 00:12:10
  4. 4 | 4 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Adding Dynamic Output with ViewBag Object 00:09:38
  5. 5 | 5 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Creating a Simple Data Entry App Adding Model 00:14:44
  6. 6 | 6 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Building Simple Form with Lambda Expression and 00:12:44
  7. 7 | 7 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Handling Forms using model binding 00:16:43
  8. 8 | 8 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Adding Validation on the Form 00:13:47
  9. 9 | 9 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Highlighting Invalid Fields with CSS 00:10:12
  10. 10 | 10 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Using NuGet to install Boostrap Styling the 00:13:33
  11. 11 | 11 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Styling the RsvpForm and Thanks Views 00:15:34
  12. 12 | 12 ASP NET MVC Course Your First MVC Application Sending Mail From WebMail Helper Method Razor 00:21:24
  13. 13 | 13 Essential C# Language Features for MVC Adding Assembly Common Automatic Property 00:39:57
  14. 14 | 14 Essential C# Language Features for MVC Using Object and Collection Initializers Arrays Colle 00:21:58
  15. 15 | 15 Essential C# Language Features for MVC Using Extension Methods and Use it 00:24:40
  16. 16 | 16 Essential C# Language Features for MVC Applying Extension Methods to an Interface Inheritanc 00:41:00
  17. 17 | 17 Essential C# Language Features for MVC Creating Filtering Extension Methods yield return 00:26:14
  18. 18 | 18 ASP NET MVC Course Essential C# Language Features for MVC Using Automatic Type implict and 00:11:41
  19. 19 | 19 ASP NET MVC Course Essential C# Language Features for MVC Using Automatic Type implict and 00:19:46
  20. 20 | 20 ASP NET MVC Course Essential C# Language Features for MVC Using LINQ to Query Data 00:31:29
  21. 21 | 21 ASP NET MVC Course Essential C# Language Features for MVC using LINQ Dot Notation and list 00:23:18
  22. 22 | 22 ASP NET MVC Course Essential C# Language Features for MVC Deferred functions extension meth 00:10:51
  23. 23 | 23 ASP NET MVC Course Razor Examples Introduction to Razor 00:18:08
  24. 24 | 24 ASP NET MVC Course Razor Examples Working with Layouts 00:20:08
  25. 25 | 25 ASP NET MVC Course Razor Examples View Start File 00:16:11
  26. 26 | 26 ASP NET MVC Course Razor Examples Demonstrating Shared Layouts 00:14:56
  27. 27 | 27 ASP NET MVC Course Razor Examples Inserting Setting Data Attributes Values 00:20:11
  28. 28 | 28 ASP NET MVC Course Razor Examples Using Conditional Statment switch and if 00:37:12
  29. 29 | 29 ASP NET MVC Course Razor Examples Enumerating Arrays and Collection and razor namespace 00:28:50
  30. 30 | 30 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Preparing the Example Project for using Ninject 00:47:51
  31. 31 | 31 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Preparing the Example Project for using interfac 00:19:45
  32. 32 | 32 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Getting Started with Ninject 00:14:02
  33. 33 | 33 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Creating the Dependency Resolver Register the De 00:29:22
  34. 34 | 34 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Creating Chains of Dependency 00:08:07
  35. 35 | 35 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Specifying Property and Constructor Parameter Valu 00:13:22
  36. 36 | 36 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Ninject Setting the Object Scope 00:10:21
  37. 37 | 37 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Unit Testing in Visual Studio 2015 Creating Unit 00:21:37
  38. 38 | 38 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Create Unit Tests Assert Run the unit test and F 00:30:47
  39. 39 | 39 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Implement the feature in unit test and Testing and 00:08:07
  40. 40 | 40 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Moq Understanding the Problem 00:19:43
  41. 41 | 41 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Moq Adding Mocking Object into Unit Test 00:26:38
  42. 42 | 42 ASP NET MVC Course Essential Tools for MVC Creating a More Complex Mock Object 00:30:41
  43. 43 | 43 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Creating Visual Studio Solution and Projects and 00:20:11
  44. 44 | 44 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Adding References between projects Setting up D 00:14:25
  45. 45 | 45 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Coding DI Container Starting the Domain Model 00:20:56
  46. 46 | 46 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Creating Abstract Repository and Macking Mock Rep 00:21:02
  47. 47 | 47 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Add a Book Controller add View 00:22:09
  48. 48 | 48 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Adding the Layout Rendering the view data Set 00:21:28
  49. 49 | 49 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Discuss Database LINQ Big Data RDBMS ORDB OODB 00:27:36
  50. 50 | 50 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Create SQL Server Database and Book Table 00:30:12
  51. 51 | 51 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Creating the Entity Framework Context 00:14:33
  52. 52 | 52 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Adding Database Connection in the Web config 00:15:25
  53. 53 | 53 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Creating the Book Repository 00:20:33
  54. 54 | 54 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Creating the Book Repository solve problem 00:09:42
  55. 55 | 55 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Adding Pagination in BookController 00:11:55
  56. 56 | 56 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Unit Test Can Paginate part 1 00:18:50
  57. 57 | 57 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Unit Test Can Paginate part 2 00:18:31
  58. 58 | 58 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Adding the View Model PagingInfo 00:24:11
  59. 59 | 59 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Adding the HTML Helper Method 00:22:18
  60. 60 | 60 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Coding the HTML Helper Method 00:18:57
  61. 61 | 61 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Unit Test Creating Page Links 00:22:55
  62. 62 | 62 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application View Web config namespace Adding the View Mod 00:15:54
  63. 63 | 63 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Unit Test Page Model View Data 00:15:10
  64. 64 | 64 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Displaying Page Links Improving the URLs 00:19:14
  65. 65 | 65 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Styling the Content and Applying Styles to the 00:22:03
  66. 66 | 66 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Creating a Partial View 00:13:39
  67. 67 | 67 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Adding Navigation Controls Filtering the Book 00:15:30
  68. 68 | 68 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Unit Test Updating Existing Unit Tests and Spec 00:12:02
  69. 69 | 69 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Refining the URL Scheme for incoming requests 00:21:44
  70. 70 | 70 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Refining the URL Scheme for outgoing requests a 00:16:04
  71. 71 | 71 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Creating the Navigation Controller Generatin 00:15:42
  72. 72 | 72 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Create Menu View and Highlighting Current Speci 00:12:46
  73. 73 | 73 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Unit Test Reporting Selected Specilization an 00:12:26
  74. 74 | 74 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Building Shopping Cart CartLine Class 00:13:22
  75. 75 | 75 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Shopping Cart Cart class 00:17:06
  76. 76 | 76 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Shopping Cart Testing the Cart 5 Methods 00:20:34
  77. 77 | 77 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Shopping Cart Adding Add to Cart Button 00:13:55
  78. 78 | 78 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Shopping Cart Implementing the Cart Controller 00:21:21
  79. 79 | 79 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Shopping Cart Displaying the Contents of the Cart 00:13:22
  80. 80 | 80 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Shopping Cart View 00:21:58
  81. 81 | 81 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Creating a Custom Model Binder 00:21:25
  82. 82 | 82 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Registering CartModelBinder Class in the Global 00:20:34
  83. 83 | 83 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Relying on the Model Binder in CartController 00:12:52
  84. 84 | 84 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Unit Test The Cart Controller 00:31:22
  85. 85 | 85 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Add remove button to ShoppingCart and Cart Summ 00:24:21
  86. 86 | 86 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Domain Model of Checkout 00:18:03
  87. 87 | 87 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Checkout form and reducing co 00:35:16
  88. 88 | 88 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Email Setting Class 00:17:54
  89. 89 | 89 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Implement EmailOrderProcessor 00:28:51
  90. 90 | 90 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Registering the Implementation 00:21:33
  91. 91 | 91 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Review and discuss questions a 00:19:29
  92. 92 | 92 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Completing the Cart Controller 00:13:16
  93. 93 | 93 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Unit Test Order Processing 00:25:18
  94. 94 | 94 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders add Validation error and test 00:18:47
  95. 95 | 95 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Submitting Orders Fix Problems in send smp emai 00:21:00
  96. 96 | 96 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Mobile Web Browser Introduction 'Doing Nothin 00:11:21
  97. 97 | 97 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Mobile Web Browser Creating Responsive Header 00:28:51
  98. 98 | 98 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Mobile Web Browser Helping the Controller Sel 00:22:41
  99. 99 | 99 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Mobile Web Browser Removing View Duplication 00:22:44
  100. 100 | 100 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Mobile Web Browser Creating Mobile Specific 00:20:01
  101. 101 | 101 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Mobile Web Browser Creating the Mobile Views 00:22:52
  102. 102 | 102 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Mobile Web Browser Creating the Mobile Views 00:23:16
  103. 103 | 103 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Mobile Web Browser Mobile Specific views wit 00:14:50
  104. 104 | 104 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Security Implementing the Grid View on Administ 00:17:53
  105. 105 | 105 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Security Applying Authorization with Filter and 00:26:02
  106. 106 | 106 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Security Creating the Account Controller and Lo 00:19:25
  107. 107 | 107 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Security Unit Test Authentication Valid and Inv 00:13:58
  108. 108 | 108 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Unit Test for 00:20:32
  109. 109 | 109 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Implementing 00:24:55
  110. 110 | 110 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Creating Edit 00:16:45
  111. 111 | 111 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Creating Edit 00:33:08
  112. 112 | 112 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Updating Book 00:20:13
  113. 113 | 113 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Unit Test for 00:14:52
  114. 114 | 114 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Adding Model 00:14:41
  115. 115 | 115 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Enabling Clie 00:24:27
  116. 116 | 116 ASP NET MVC Course Bookstore real application Administration Catalog Management Deleting Book 00:23:49
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