Agile Scrum | Agile بالعربي

تفاصيل الكورس

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | What is Agile Methodology? (بالعربي) 00:03:18
  2. 2 | Agile mindset Vs Agile Practices (بالعربي) 00:03:46
  3. 3 | Popular Agile Methodologies بالعربي 00:03:46
  4. 4 | Coaching Agile Teams وازاي بيتعاملوا مع بعض Scrumايه شكل فريق ال 00:04:22
  5. 5 | What is Scrum and The difference between Agile and Scrum (In Arabic) 00:28:53
  6. 6 | Agile Project Management in big picture (بالعربي) 00:07:52
  7. 7 | User story Writing : Who writes user stories and how ? (بالعربي) 00:09:40
  8. 8 | Definition of Done for Agile Projects (in Arabic) 00:03:49
  9. 9 | Agile Planning :How to plan your projects in an Agile way to deliver faster (بالعربي) 00:05:24
  10. 10 | Agile Tracking - Velocity and tracking the Release Plan (بالعربي) 00:04:04
  11. 11 | Tools for managing agile projects 00:03:09
  12. 12 | Agile Release Planning (In Arabic) 00:05:23
  13. 13 | Benefits of Agile from state of agile report 00:01:52
  14. 14 | Agile Benefits, Problems that are fixed by working agile الفوائد و المشاكل التي تحل عند العمل بمرونة 00:03:50
  15. 15 | Agile Manifesto : History of Agile ِ بالعربي Agileشرح تاريخ نشأة ال 00:11:56
  16. 16 | Agile Planning : Who has the responsibility of agile planning مسئولية النخطيط 00:06:26
  17. 17 | Why task switching is bad for your work ? 00:01:42
  18. 18 | Agile webinar بالعربي Planning ,estimation and story points 01:24:16
  19. 19 | Agile Estimation Webinar, Learn about story points , T-shirt sizing and more [بالعربي] 02:23:01
  20. 20 | Relative estimation 00:06:07
  21. 21 | How to estimate relative story points faster than planning poker? Answer is Affinity Estimation 00:17:34
  22. 22 | T-Shirt Sizing for high level estimation of Agile Projects 00:09:26
  23. 23 | How to estimate a new project in an agile way ? 00:08:12
  24. 24 | How Behavior Driven Development can help developers and testers work together 00:02:45
  25. 25 | How to do scrum sprint planning meeting ? (بالعربي) 00:09:36
  26. 26 | How to estimate a new project referring to previous affinity estimation بالعربي 00:10:47
  27. 27 | How to estimate in the sprint planning ? 00:06:28
  28. 28 | How can testers and developers plan their work inside the sprint? 00:04:37
  29. 29 | How to give relative story points to our requirements considering all the team work ? 00:06:24
  30. 30 | Agile Story Points Estimation in a nutshell 00:01:05
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    Agile for Software Development Crash Course كورس بالعربي Agile Planning and Estimation

    هدف هذا الكورس هو التعريف بمجال الagile وكيفية العمل به في المشاريع
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