• رقم الدرس : 30
  • 00:27:54
  • ETL process : Setup, Staging, Transformation, Loading, Validation, and Job Scheduling Demos

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Why Data Warehouse Need?
  2. 2- What Is Data Warehouse?
  3. 3- Power of Business Intelligence in Data Warehouses
  4. 4- Data Warehouse vs Data Lake
  5. 5- SetUp Pentaho ETL Tool & PostgreSQL Database
  6. 6- Unraveling the Layers of Data Warehouse: A Staging Layer Demonstration
  7. 7- Data MARTS: Unlocking Insights for Better Decision-Making
  8. 8- Database Relations in Data Warehouses
  9. 9- OLAP Cubes: Unleashing Multi-Dimensional Data Insights
  10. 10- Operational Data Storage: Managing Real-Time Data for Seamless Operations
  11. 11- Dimensional Modeling Explained: Unraveling the Power of Simplified Data Analysis
  12. 12- Facts in Data Warehousing: The Backbone of Actionable Insights
  13. 13- Dimensions in Data Warehousing: Navigating the Pathways of Data Understanding
  14. 14- Star Schema vs. Snowflake Schema: Unraveling the Best Data Modeling Practices
  15. 15- Additivity, Nulls, and Year-to-Date: Exploring Key Concepts in Fact
  16. 16- Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Fact Table for Data Warehousing
  17. 17- Fact Types: Transactional, Periodic, Accumulate Snapshot, and Factless - A Comprehensive Comparison"
  18. 18- Natural vs. Surrogate Keys: Making Informed Choices for Database Design
  19. 19- Case study project of Fact in data warehouse
  20. 20- Dimensions in Data Warehousing:Tables, Date Null & Dimensions
  21. 21- Demystifying Dimension Types: Hierarchical, Conformed, Role-Play, Degenerate, and Junk Dimensions
  22. 22- Dimensional Modeling Case Study: Unraveling Effective Data Organization and Analysis
  23. 23- Slowly Changing Dimensions: Preserving Data History in Data Warehousing
  24. 24- Understanding Dimensional Changes: Exploring Type 0, Type 1, and Type 2 Slowly Changing Dimensions"
  25. 25- Administering Mixed Type 1 and Type 2 Dimensions: Navigating Type 2 Dimensions with Added Attributes
  26. 26- ETL Process: Streamlining Data Warehouse Operations
  27. 27- ETL Processes: Delta Load, Load Strategies, and Pentaho Data Integration
  28. 28- ETL process : Setting Up Tables, Initial Data, and Delta Loads with Live Examples!
  29. 29- ETL - Mastering Data Transformation: Basic to Advanced Techniques Explained
  30. 30- ETL process : Setup, Staging, Transformation, Loading, Validation, and Job Scheduling Demos
  31. 31- ETL Tools
  32. 32- Mastering Data Warehouse: Strategic Planning, Table Design, and Staging Success
  33. 33- Mastering ETL : Transforming Payments, Sales, and Jobs in Your Data Warehouse
  34. 34- ETL vs ELT: Unraveling the Data Integration Debate
  35. 35- Unlocking Strategic Insights: The Power and Promise of Data Warehousing #usecases #datawarehouse
  36. 36- Indexing Techniques in Data Warehousing: B-Tree, Bitmap
  37. 37- Mastering Index Guidelines for Fact & Dimension Tables Practical Demo #datawarehouse #indexing
  38. 38- Cloud vs On-Premises, Massive Parallel Processing(MPP) ,Columnar Database #datawarehouse