• رقم الدرس : 11
  • 00:47:17
  • CFA investment foundations CH 5 Part 2 Macroeconomics

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- CFA institute investment foundations introduction مقدمة شهادة اساسيات الاستثمار
  2. 2- CFA Institute Investment Foundation Ch 1 Industry Overview
  3. 3- CFA institute investment foundations Ch 2 part 1 Ethics
  4. 4- CFA institute investment foundations Ch 2 part 2 Ethics
  5. 5- CFA institute investment foundations CH 3 part 1 Regulation
  6. 6- CFA institute investment foundations CH 3 part 2 Regulation
  7. 7- CFA institute investment foundations CH 3 part 3 Regulation
  8. 8- CFA investment foundations CH 4 Part 1 Microeconomics
  9. 9- CFA investment foundations CH 4 Part 2 Microeconomics
  10. 10- CFA investment foundations CH 5 Part 1 Macroeconomics
  11. 11- CFA investment foundations CH 5 Part 2 Macroeconomics
  12. 12- CFA investment foundations CH 5 Part 3 Macroeconomics
  13. 13- CFA investment foundations CH 6 Part 1 Economics of International trade
  14. 14- CFA investment foundations CH 6 Part 2 Economics of International trade
  15. 15- كيف تحصل على كورسات CFA مجانا Kaplan Schweser's Free Master Classes for the CFA Levels I, II, III
  16. 16- احصل على بنك اسئلة CFA مجانا Kaplan Schweser's QBank for the CFA Levels I, II, III
  17. 17- CFA investment foundations CH 6 Part 3 Economics of International trade
  18. 18- CFA investment foundations CH 6 Economics of International trade Q&A
  19. 19- CFA investment foundations CH 7 Financial Statemenrs part1
  20. 20- CFA investment foundations CH 7 Financial Statemenrs part2
  21. 21- CFA investment foundations CH 7 Financial Statemenrs part3
  22. 22- CFA investment foundations CH 8 Quantitative Concepts part 1
  23. 23- CFA investment foundations CH 8 Quantitative Concepts part 2
  24. 24- CFA investment foundations CH 8 Quantitative Concepts part 3
  25. 25- CFA investment foundations CH 9 Debt Securities part 1